Monday, December 9

Spoiler: Michael Imperioli reveals his character on Californication Season 7

Imperioli generously took the time recently to sit down during a roundtable interview at The Conrad Hotel in New York City to talk about filming 'Oldboy.' Among other things, the actor discussed how he continuously enjoys working with Lee, with the action mystery drama being their sixth film collaboration, as the filmmaker values his actor input ad opinions; how he built a backstory for Chucky, including the reasoning that he would so readily believe Joe after 20 years, because the two were always friends through difficult times since their adolescence; and how he's always been interested in screenwriting, which intensified when he appeared on 'The Sopranos,' as he wanted to vicariously live all the characters' lives through penning several episodes throughout the crime drama's run.

Q: You're also on the upcoming last season of 'Californication.'

MI: Yes, it's going to be on in a couple months. While I'm just on the last season, it's bittersweet for the people who have worked on it for all seven seasons. But it was a lot of fun, and it's a very funny show. Heather Graham was also on this season, and we had a lot of fun.

I played Rick Rath, a New York guy who used to be a cop, who moves out to Hollywood to become a writer. He's a TV show creator-showrunner-writer who's very bitter because he knows he's doing sh*tty work. But he's making lots of money, so he loves it. He hires David Duchovny's character (Hank Moody) to work on the show, and it's pretty fun.

Californication Season Seven
Californication Season 7 Spoilers